Breaking into Brilliance by Lynn Singer

Unleash the power of your creative consciousness with Master Teacher, Lynn Singer's new online experience; a narrated, subtly animated, interactive, 21st century book, Breaking Into Brilliance.

Breaking into Brilliance is a paradigm shift in personal growth that taps into our innate creativity enabling us to create the life we want.

Log in to purchase full access to the Breaking Into Brilliance Online Experience which includes:

  • Free personal Creative Consciousness I Journal
  • Access to Lynn's interviews with body, mind, spirit thought leaders

Lynn was the first person to illuminate for me the idea of training the voice to be a powerful and versatile instrument of character.

- Edward Norton

Breaking into Brilliance Workshop
The retraining of your mind
Your New Beginning -- Dates TBA

Breaking into Brilliance is a paradigm shift in learning and personal growth, In this two-day workshop, we align the mind, body and spirit through a series of eight exercises designed to engage us in a new way; enabling us to reconnect the authentic self and awaken creative consciousness.

If you are willing to access your story, you can change your story, and that will change your life. Everyone is capable of brilliance.

Learn More About The Workshop

It was deeply interesting, comfortable and very imaginative...

- Ray Davi

Be Prepared to be Challenged...

- Kevin Urban

... as unique and innovative in its format as it is in content.

- Jesse Kasowitz
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LYNN SINGER - Self Help – Artisanal Style - METAMORPHOSIS - For those who seek wisdom in its purest form by looking to the unusual, the beautiful, thoughtful and creative with a Master Teacher who has dedicated her life to transformation.

Attraction Summaries

A brief look at what's in the book.

Ode to the Unconscious

Ode to the Unconscious
Attraction One

Introspection. Contact the power of your unconscious mind.

Ask Questions

Ask Questions
Attraction Two

Examination. Probe the paradigm you live in and search out its fallacies.

Into the Fire

Into the Fire
Attraction Three

Confrontation. Come face-to-face with your choices.

The Journey Out

The Journey Out
Attraction Four

Perspective. Anchor your courage and power with a new construct.

Turning Point

Turning Point
Attraction Five

Forgiveness. Charge the new and drop the dross.

Out of Darkness

Out of Darkness
Attraction Six

Thrive. Try on a new skin.

A New Beginning

A New Beginning
Attraction Seven

Appreciation. Immerse yourself in gratitude.


Attraction Eight

Joy. Live in your authentic self.

Breaking into Brilliance
Get Started Now For Just $14.99 Purchase the Full Online Experience

Also Available in Soft Cover w/ Ijournal on AMAZON Purchase the Soft Cover on Amazon

Expand Your Experience



Getting to Know Lynn


Breaking Into Brilliance
Full Online Experience


1 Getting Started
Webinar with Lynn


30 min One-on-One
Coaching Session w/ Lynn



Going Deeper with The Master


Breaking Into Brilliance
Full Online Experience


1 Getting Started
Webinar with Lynn


A Guided BreakingintoBrilliance WalkThru
8 Weeks With Lynn


3 hrs One-on-One
Coaching Session w/ Lynn


Transformation - a through dramatic change in form or appearance.

Working with Breaking into Brilliance as a private personal experience is the beginning of your journey. You can take as much time as you like with yourself moving through the 8 "attractions", locating your core questions and beliefs. What you need to change and what you need to expand will become very real and imminent as you spend time in your ijournal.

In your Webinar, it’s your time with Lynn and others who are also in the second phase of their journey. We are deepening your process and gaining new perspective and courage from sharing with others. Recognizing you are not alone while uncovering difficult or sensitive layers of your internal life, will help smooth any possible judgment. You can even choose to be anonymous if that will help your security and evolution.

Private time with Lynn solidifies your experience. This is private time for further investigation of your core question, locating your brilliance. BiB has revealed your secrets to you, secrets that you secretly have known but never allowed yourself to utter. Strength clarity and community have given you courage. And you have learned that Breaking into Brilliance is always ready to show you more of your jewels when you wish to look further.

Metamorphosis - a change of the form or nature of a thing or person, into a completely different one.

In Metamorphosis your initial time with 8 Attractions of BreakingintoBrilliance is preparation time, calling you to break new ground. A fearless discipline of looking emerges when we commit to shifting our structure. Detailing in your ijournal the time spent in left brain fears and obsessions while only dappling in right brain interests, will reveal what stands between you and your boundless creativity -- your brilliance is a live, constant and breathtakingly ever present element –it brought the universe into being and is in every cell of our being.

Sharing with Lynn and others in your webinar helps define how patterns of fear, depression, suppression or denial help keep us in our cognitive brain, protecting ourselves. And they are holding our core brilliance hostage. The right brain will reveal her secrets as you reveal yours, presenting to the group those moments when you had inklings of your true nature and kept them from yourselves and others. We have not been taught to trust the creative. With others we will begin dismantling your over dependency on the left-brain and finding the joy in your right, bringing your self into balance. If every moment in our existence is creative, create the life you want, no matter what it takes.

Together with Lynn, the Group Consciousness Workshop continues to unthread the mysteries of creativity bringing everyone into alignment with new understanding of self. The gateway to your creative ability, intuition, has the ability to acquire knowledge, without proof. Imagination is the creative ability to form ideas, images without any sensorial input. Creativity itself is the phenomenon of creating something new.

Deepen the call to your inner self, gold mining for your genius, without judgment or remorse. Exercises, hand picked and pertinent to the group, from BiB, will strengthen your new muscles, attuning them with for new ideas, feelings and means of communication.

The private time with Lynn is on a mission to secure and hold your core, your genius.

Questions, resistance and revelation will reveal how you move forward and yet still hold back. This private work with Lynn will further reveal a master plan of process that you will take into your life to keep you on your path. And to give you the tools when the path is particularly bumpy.

Your Brilliance is capable of increasing itself, multifaceted, bringing you a depth and fulfillment never imagined.

AWAKENING -- access to deep insight

The initial assignment of Awakening is to go through BreakingintoBrilliance easily and quietly, without writing, without using the ijournal. Listen to the text; absorb the visuals as a parallel and dreamlike narrative. Absorb the experience as a sensorial exercise. Make every attempt to open your sight, smell, taste, feel and hearing. See if you can move through BiB with the power of your body. Fish patiently, waiting and watching to catch what is being Awakened.

In the Webinar, with Lynn and others, the entire discussion of BiB will be sensorial: an investigation of your senses by comparing your journey to the others. Particularly how you can influence each other. What changes in your emotional and physical responses do you have when confronted with new possibilities. How are you polishing your diamond? What adjective do you ascribe to your Brilliance? The only writing allowed after the webinar is the detailing of dreams.

I will ask you at the end of the webinar to ASK for a dream about your work and where it is taking you.

Your Group Consciousness Workshop with Lynn and others will focus on your dreams. Bring to this workshop at least one dream that you have had from the beginning of our work together. Write up this dream(s) with all its detail. And if you can, begin to make sense of it. What are the colors, if any? What do you see, or hear. Are there conversations? Big spaces or small? People you know? What do you feel at the moment you wake?? Happy? Sad? Dread? If you have not experienced a dream during our work together, bring in any dream that you do remember and that is particularly potent for you.

Dream work is a powerful part of BiB.

Your Guided WalkThru, the 8 Attractions of Breaking into Brilliance with Lynn will be the first time you will use your ijournal, answering, questions, writing up observations and entering visuals and links.

You will work through each Attraction to locate its central idea. Your dream work has prepared you for investigation and crafting of a personal process - a walkway to a greater holding of YOU. The multi sensorial format pf BIB promotes an exciting look at your internal self. You will come face to face with what is keeping you from owning your power, fulfillment and happiness. Reaching to the unknown is reaching for a part of your self that you have may not encountered for a long time, or ever. That part of you that holds your purpose and your brilliance! Finding it can be playful and daunting and exhilarating. The reward is an acceptance and trust of your creativity and intuition. This is creative consciousness.

BiB 8 weeks – 24 hours of work / Lynn

This will allow us to cover everything and also leaving plenty of time for answering individual questions. Each week will cover one chapter (or Attraction as I call it) - and one hour each M W Th.

The 1st hour each week will be devoted to reviewing the "attraction" that we are working on individually and together.

The ijournal will be your worksheet for the exercises and practices: every second page of Breaking into Brilliance, there is a KEY icon that takes you to your ijournal. At the ijournal you will find a comment or question that will guide you to writing. A space for ‘visuals’ is also available – that is you can delete my visual and upload yours. You are also able to create links!

The 2nd hour of each week will be devoted to questions and answers that come up about the individual work being done: "Lynn, how CAN I change my thoughts? Don't they just come?" or "I don’t think I’m creative – and how can creativity help me be more conscious?"
The 3rd hour of each week we will be reviewing the ijournals as well as sharing any other writing (links to creative ideas – 1st draft of a poem, short story, treatment, blog) and visuals.
A final project: a new story of your life, which I will critique: Written, sung, painted, photo essay, filmed or treatment for script. These will be shared on the web and we will have a final hour to meet, discuss and congratulate!

Private sessions with Lynn gather loose pieces that still haunt you. How have your thoughts changed? Are you seeing with different eyes?

What are your dreams telling you? What is your body telling you? What needs to change for you to hold the presence of your Brilliance? What has been hidden for so long and is finally in the light cannot be denied. And it needs nurturing. Your Brilliance will always demand newness.

And Things will never be the same.

The Testimonials

See what people are saying about Lynn Singer and Breaking into Brilliance

Jeb Brown, Yale University, Broadway actor and singer

Lynn I always think of you with great, great fondness and some wonder. What you were exposing us to at 254 York street back in the day was important stuff. You really got in there with us, up close, and introduced us to that foundational concept of the work as being inseparable from who we were. You brought an early appreciation of a level of consciousness to it all that was so new and would prove to be central to anyone ready to grasp it. thanks for all of that. you're an important teacher and I'm so glad that Yale brought us together.

Jeb Brown
Ray Davi
Ray Davi

Wonderfully Intriguing [this] experiential series of chapters was deeply interesting, comfortable and very imaginative, giving me a feeling that I could move forward into more self-discovery which I have been trying to access for a long time.

Jesse Kasowitz

Lynn Singer has been a sympathetic friend to me for some 26 years. She’s an artist and an inspiring voice and spiritual teacher to me, hundreds of her students and former students. Her weekly podcasts have been enlightening. Her latest work, Breaking Into Brilliance is as unique and innovative in its format as it is in content. There are links to related artworks, videos and poetry. The reader will learn about everything from the nature of higher consciousness to constructive thinking in our day to day lives and careers. If the student gets with the program of her current work he or she will be come a more effective listener, communicator and lover. The reader will learn that it is indeed possible to Break into Brilliance.

Jesse Kasowitz
Kevin Urban
Kevin Urban

Be Prepared to be Challenged... The first time I met Lynn, I was in my early 20’s auditioning for her to take her acting class. I finished my monologued and she walked up to me and slapped my chest while saying in a way only Lynn can say "you need to lose this!" She was referring to my rigid musculature, what she called my armor. In hindsight the tension restricted my breathing and affected my movement. I walked as a masculine male; Head up, chest out. Before I met Lynn I was unaware of the importance of the body, mind and spirit connection. Lynn's approach that day was direct, but the message was delivered and she has been my mentor, my wizard if you will, ever since.

Over the years, I have witnessed many of her students, including myself, "Breaking into Brilliance." From my work with Lynn, Breaking into Brilliance is about living your life in a way that honors your spirit. It’s about opening yourself up to possibilities and facing your fears in order to work through them. Breaking into Brilliance is a process that leads to the discovery of your process and living the life you were destined to live, before life got in the way. Be prepared, this is not for the faint of heart! Life altering work seldom is, but if you allow for the process to work, Lynn may become your Wizard too.

Blake Hackler

Lynn Singer is a wonder... a teacher, a healer, a seer... in the truest sense of the word. Her new work, Breaking into Brilliance, is a step towards honoring all that is human and whole in this fractured world.

Blake Hackler
Kelly Caldwell
Kelly Caldwell

In her thoroughly creative on-line experience, Lynn Singer teaches us to discover, appreciate and honour who we are.

While sharing her journey, Lynn nudges, cajoles and demands introspection from each of us. Lynn is a true poet - a writer and artist who is acutely human and at the same time connected to a universal, evolutionary energy.

About The Author


Lynn Singer
Lynn Singer Lynn Singer


Lynn Singer was born with a special voice and an ear for spoken language. For over thirty years, she has helped people find their voice. She taught acting, speech and voice at Yale, NYU, The New School, Circle in the Square, The Actors and Directors Lab, the Gene Frankel Theater and at the T. Schreiber Studio in New York City.

She works with a wide range of clients, from Tony, Emmy, Golden Globe, Pulitzer Prize and Fulbright winners, to Fortune 500 companies and top business and management executives.

Lynn has led training seminars at companies like Merrill Lynch Corporation and J. Walter Thompson. She has coached professional individuals (Goldman Sachs, Lehmann Bros, Deutsche Bank, Direct Energy, Inc., etc.) for business presentation and sales, and she has led workshops in New York, California, Florida, Japan and Spain for actors and business executives.

Lynn was a well-known voice of radio and television commercials for two decades, and she appeared Off-Broadway, on television and film. She holds a degree in English Literature from San Francisco State College where, in her final year, she held a fellowship. She subsequently went on to post-graduate work in theater.

Lynn currently offers private acting, voice and diction classes through her long established practice. In her more than thirty years of experience, Lynn has facilitated the awakening of creative consciousness in her students. She loves watching them achieve their creative potential.

Recently, Lynn wrote Breaking into Brilliance, an on line, multi-media, multi-sensorial experience of creative consciousness. The book documents her journey while simultaneously guiding others through theirs. Lynn, now, also offers group, private sessions and packages through Breaking into as she continues to guide others through their awakening of creative consciousness.

Learn more about Lynn by visiting

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